ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇøis seeking members to join a working group to develop a Framework for Practice on Neonatal Community Outreach Care.
Neonatal Community Outreach (NCOT) care supports the transition from acute unit care to community/home care, it should be delivered by neonatal expert teams with enhanced skills to support families in caring for their baby in the home environment. NCOT services have been developed with a limited framework and insufficient standardisation and this has created inequitable services for families across all areas of NHS.
This framework will outline what is needed to develop high quality NCOT services, including standardisation of care, recommended service models and levels of staffing, access to specialised services and skill sets for NCOT staff. The document will set out robust governance pathways in order to ensure that units, LMNSs and Networks deliver safe, resilient, and effective services.
Vacancies* on the group are:
- 1 Consultant
- 1 Trainee
- 1 Nurse / ANNP – discharge specialist
- 1 Nurse / ANNP – outreach specialist
- 1 Midwife
- 1 Nursery Nurse – outreach specialist
- 1 Care Coordinator
- 1 Parent / carer – TBC
No previous experience of ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇøworking groups is required and applications from ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇømembers will be given priority.
The first meeting will be held on 5 March. It is envisaged that this work will take approximately eight months and involve six virtual meetings. Please see attached terms of reference for more details.
To apply please complete the application form by 5 February.
*Please note that only the roles not yet filled are listed in this advert. The full group may include others invited through a relevant stakeholder group or because of their personal expertise. Please see the terms of reference for more details. If you have experience relevant for the group but do not fit one of the categories above you are still welcome to put in an application. ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇøgroups are usually oversubscribed so we will not be able to accept all applicants in order to keep the group to a workable size.