
美姬社区is looking for a few members to help us develop our website section on research. Volunteers should be interested in promoting and making research accessible to others.

In the first instance this will be a search for existing external resources that we can link to from the 美姬社区website. There will then be a second stage of work where we will review the existing resources available and decide if 美姬社区should take the lead of developing any additional resources. Trainees are welcome to assist with both stages or just the first if preferred.

The work will be done on a voluntary basis and support will be given by the 美姬社区Office and Executive Committee members as well as NeoTrips. There will likely be a few online meetings for each stage and work between meetings to collect and share resources.

No previous experience of 美姬社区working groups is required and applications from 美姬社区members will be given priority.

It is envisaged that the first stage of work will take approximately three months and involve 1-2 virtual meetings.

To apply please complete the application form and return to the 美姬社区Office by 15 January.

美姬社区 (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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