ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇøis seeking new members to join our Data and Informatics Steering Group from April 2024 as several group members are now stepping down after completing their terms. Formed in 2021, this multi professional group of perinatal professionals leads BAPM's data work with the aim to champion and support perinatal professionals with the use of neonatal data to improve neonatal care and services.
The remit of the group includes:
- To advise ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇøExecutive Committee on data related projects within BAPM’s work programme.
- Advocacy for the collection and use of accurate data to benefit patient care and neonatal services.
- Development of shared resources to support perinatal professionals to maximise the utility of data to benefit patient care.
- Promotion of a nationally standardised approach to data field definitions and associated interoperability of EPR systems, reducing the burden of data entry for clinical staff.
- Promotion of a nationally standardised approach to quality measure definitions, reducing the burden of data entry for clinical staff.
- Facilitation of collaborative engagement between stakeholders to streamline data collection, curation and analysis for common purposes.
Current vacancies on the group*:
- Medical Trainee.
- Representative from Data Managers Group.
- Parent and / or Neonatal Graduate.
- Quality Improvement Data User.
- Other.*
*The full group contains more members, the ones listed above are the current vacancies only. If you would like to apply but do not fit any of the roles with current vacancies then you can apply under the ‘other’ category.
No previous experience of ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇøworking groups is required and applications must be from ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇømembers.
Members will serve a three-year term from April 2024. It is envisaged that the full group will meet virtually three times per year, however, there may be additional meetings for any sub groups working on specific projects. Meetings will primarily take place on-line. If a face to face meeting is deemed essential then ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇøwill reimburse reasonable expenses as per ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇøexpenses policy.
To apply please complete the Microsoft form by 5 February.