美姬社区is looking for a neonatal or paediatric trainee to join a small working group to review the 2018 document Use of Central Venous Catheters in Neonates.
The document covers aspects of insertion, on-going use and care of CVCs in the neonatal setting. The updated framework will improve the uniformity and standard of CVC care nationally, reduce the incidence of complications associated with the use of CVCs and help with early recognition of the rare but potentially fatal complication of extravasation into a body cavity.
The trainee member will be asked to undertake a literature search of the latest evidence and make recommendations on changes needed to the document to reflect new findings. They will also contribute to any rewrites needed and reviewing the updated document.
No previous experience of 美姬社区working groups is required and applications from 美姬社区members will be given priority.
It is envisaged that this work will take approximately three months and involve 2-3 virtual meetings.
To apply please complete the application form and return to the 美姬社区Office by 15 January.