美姬社区is seeking members to join a working group to develop a Framework for Practice on the Transition of care from Neonates to Paediatrics.
13.4% babies born at <28 weeks' gestation and 4.8% of all neonatal unit (NNU) graduates are admitted to paediatric intensive care units (PICU) within the first two years of life. Approximately half the children admitted to PICU under 2 years of age are neonatal graduates, a third of them are admitted more than once. There are increasing numbers of children admitted to PICUs with technology dependency and complex conditions, potentially following neonatal care.
This working group will collaborate across neonatal and paediatric services to develop a framework for safe and effective transition of care from neonatal to paediatric services to meet the needs of this group of babies with increasingly complex health care needs.
Vacancies* on the group are:
- Parents or carers of NNU graduates previously transferred to paediatric services
- 1 NICU LNU SCU Consultant
- 1 General Paediatrician
- 1 HDU Paediatrician or PICU Consultant
- 1 Paediatric Subspeciality consultant (e.g., Respiratory, Gastroenterology)
- 2 Postgraduate doctors in training (one neonates, one paediatrics)
- 3 Nurses (one neonates, one paediatrics, one complex care planning / discharge neonatal or paediatrics)
- 1 Dietician
- 1 Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist
- 1 Speech and Language Therapist
- 1 Psychologist
- 2 Network Managers / Directors (neonatal and paediatric)
No previous experience of 美姬社区working groups is required and applications from 美姬社区members will be given priority.
The first meeting will be held on 31 October, with the next four meetings listed in the terms of reference. It is envisaged that this work will take approximately eight months and involve six virtual meetings. Parents and carers will not be expected to attend all meetings. Please see attached terms of reference for more details.
Applications are now closed.
*Please note that only the roles not yet filled are listed in this advert. The full group may include others invited through a relevant stakeholder group or because of their personal expertise. Please see the terms of reference for more details. If you have experience relevant for the group but do not fit one of the categories above you are still welcome to put in an application. 美姬社区groups are usually oversubscribed so we will not be able to accept all applicants in order to keep the group to a workable size.