
'Family Integrated Care: a Framework for Practice' is BAPM's latest publication. This webinar will look at the background of the document, including why and how it was produced.

The event will also provide guidance and examples of how the Framework can be implemented by teams.


Background to the FICare Framework For Practice - Dr Judith Simpson, Consultant Neonatologist, Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow.

Parental Perceptions and Priorities - Nadia Leake, Parent Representative

Building your FICare bundles: How to start - Dr Aniko Deierl, Consultant Neonatologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Examples of successful implementation of FICare in networks / units - 

  • Steve Brearey, Countess of Chester Hospital
  • Sarah Fullwood and Karen Mainwaring, North West Neonatal ODN
  • Kelly Phizacklea, Cambridge and Peterborough CCG
  • Angela Hannah, Fiona Luff and Elen Elias, Wales

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