
This webinar supports the launch of the ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇøFramework on Routine Pulse Oximetry Testing for Newborn Babies. This Framework for Practice has the following aims:

  • To provide standardised guidance for routine pulse oximetry (PulseOx) testing of all asymptomatic newborn babies of 34 weeks and above born in any setting the UK.
  • To identify and manage babies with persistently low oxygen saturations enabling timely investigation and treatment. To minimise unnecessary investigations in babies with delayed cardio-respiratory adaptation (i.e. healthy babies) and prevent unnecessary parent-baby separation.
  • To provide guidance for parents on the nature of the PulseOx test.
  • To provide guidance on audit and governance regarding pulse oximetry testing.


  • Welcome and introduction to the framework – background and current status - Andy Ewer
  • The protocol and Management of a red pathway - Vix Monnelly
  • Implementation Experience - Lambri Yianni
  • Practical considerations – who can test, equipment, training - Lambri Yianni
  • Communicating with Parents - Suzie Hutchinson
  • Testing outside the acute hospital setting - Thomas McEwan
  • Audit and governance, future research needed - Kate Regan
  • Q&A with panel - Andy Ewer, Eleri Adams, Vix Monnelly, Lambri Yianni, Suzie Hutchinson and Thomas McEwan

Preliminary programme, subject to change


Please register in advance.

Date: 9 December 2024
Time: 13:00-14:30
Location: Online - Teams webinar 

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ÃÀ¼§ÉçÇø (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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