QI Signpost
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Quality related organisations
A three-year programme to support improvement in the quality and safety of maternity and neonatal units across England.
Launched in 2013, aim is to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities in outcomes by providing a safe, high-quality care experience for all women, babies, children and families in Scotland.
Aims to work towards improved outcomes for newborn infants admitted to neonatal care and their families in Northern Ireland. A national programme designed to improve medical care within the NHS by reducing unwarranted variations including Quality Improvement methodology. |
Other really helpful organisationsWorking with NHS England to better support the NHS to deliver improved care for patients. A UK charity championing the rights of babies to receive the best care by supporting families, campaigning for change and supporting professionals. Nonprofit collaboration of Neonatal Care professionals striving to improve the quality and safety of newborn care. Research, datasets and initiatives for improvement Sharing QI Resources for Paediatric Medication Safety Formal QI training & fellowships Intermittently advertises year long fellowship roles for experienced leaders to undergo overseas training in improvement science https://www.health.org.uk/funding-and-partnerships/fellowships/quality-improvement-fellowships QI and clinical leadership course managed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Provide opportunities and bespoke support for Fellows to develop themselves as improvement leaders from their current position. A one year out of training programme for doctors, dentists, pharmacists and optometrists |