How can parents / carers contribute to BAPM's work?

美姬社区is committed to working in partnership with parents, carers and families to make sure that our work programme meets the needs of both healthcare professionals and service users. If you want to contribute to BAPM's work please look out for adverts in our newsletters or on social media for projects that need parent input.

How can parents / carers help with 美姬社区documents?

When 美姬社区is developing a document we will advertise for parents and carers to join a 'parent panel.' You will be given some information about the planned project so you can decide if it is relevant to your family and something you want to contribute to. If you join the parent panel you will be asked to contribute in two ways:

1. Share your ideas - before the document is written you can share your experiences about what you think the document should include. You will be given some prompt questions but you are welcome to tell us anything you think is relevant. You can input your ideas via email, by a phone call with the group chair or replying to a form.

2. Review the document - when the document has been drafted you will be send a copy to read, along with a form to complete about your views. You will be asked to assess if you think the document contains everything you want it to from your point of view as a parent / carer.

Who are 美姬社区documents aimed at?

美姬社区documents are primarily aimed at healthcare professionals so we are not directly writing to parents and families, however sometimes our documents will contain suggested text for parent leaflets to explain the information contained in the document to families.

Will I get an acknowledgement or payment for contributing the BAPM's work?

Parents / carers that complete stages 1 and 2 above will be offered a love to shop voucher (拢25 for each stage) as a thank you for their contribution. If this voucher would be useful to your family please accept this and we can email this to you. If you do not want this then you can turn this down and the funds will be used on other 美姬社区projects. Please note that funds are limited so we will only be able to provide compensation to a small number of contributors per framework. Parent panel members must be confirmed with the 美姬社区office.

Parent contributors will be named in the document with your permission so please let the 美姬社区Office know if you would like to be included.

美姬社区 (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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