NNeTS, Newcastle
Northern Neonatal Transport Service, Newcastle
Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI)
Newcastle Upon Tyne
West coast to East coast, South of Scottish borders to North of Yorkshire and Lancashire.
Based at RVI. Contactable via ‘hotline’ on 0191 2303020.
All referrals: 0191 2303020.
Dr Robert Tinnion
0191 2139860
[email protected]
Beverley Forshaw
0191 2829971
[email protected]
Hours of service operation: 24/7.
Elective transfers: 24 hours a day.
Neonatal only.
Paediatrics covered by the NECTAR team in Newcastle.
All transfers of babies within the region, both acute transfers and back transfers including surgical and cardiology newborns.
Also transfers to PICU of babies less than 6 kg and < 6 months old.