
This DRAFT Framework is the first detailed publication defining and outlining neonatal outreach services. It offers a future vision of a supportive pathway for babies transitioning from the hospital to home environment. 

This framework offers multiple new recommendations threaded throughout and there are themes intertwining; therefore, it is essential that it is implemented in its entirety. No subsection can be applied as a standalone concept. Neonatal outreach into the community should not be seen as a separate entity but as part of the continuum of neonatal care delivered across the country.

The key recommendations given in this Framework aim to ensure that all outreach services are safe, high quality and continue to develop to meet the needs of the babies and families.

We welcome your feedback on this DRAFT document ahead of a final version being published in 2025.

Deadline for comments: 10 January 2025.

DRAFT Neonatal Outreach Service Framework
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