
The objectives of any neonatal air transfer are the same as for a road transport:

  • To move an infant to the right place, at the right time, for the right care (as close to home as possible), using the right team, and the right mode of transport.
  • To ensure the efficient and effective continuity of care.
  • To undertake every transport in a way that maximises safety, comfort and dignity and minimises pain and distress

Neonatal Air Transport in England

Unlike the devolved nations, neonatal air transport is not commissioned in England. Historically England has been covered with a patchwork of ad-hoc arrangements that left many infants without a clear referral pathway. Now air transport referrals can be made to any one of four specialist flight transfer teams following the process for arranging a flight transfer. These four flight teams are able to work together, finding the most appropriate solution for each infant, ensuring equity of access for all English babies.

Air Transfer Teams (England) Contacts

Neonatal Air Transport in the Devolved Nations

To arrange an air transfer in the devolved nations please contact your local neonatal transport service.

Neonatal Transport Teams Contacts

NTG Aeromedical Standards (2021) - Currently under review

Air Transfer photos courtesy of Embrace. Some of these photos were taken prior to 2020.

美姬社区 (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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