

Base of Operations: Barnsley
How to refer: 0114 268 8180 
Fixed Wing: Yes
Rotary Wing: Yes
Incubator: Yes (Heli only)
Humidified CPAP & Highflow: Yes
Nitric Oxide: Yes

Flight Leads: Dr Cath Harrison, Ian Braithwaite, Jo Whiston
Office telephone: 0114 305 3005

Meet the Embrace Team

London NTS

Base of Operations: London
How to refer: 0203 594 0888 or email Barts Health if non-urgent
Fixed Wing: Yes
Rotary Wing: No
Incubator: Yes
Humidified CPAP & Highflow: Yes
Nitric Oxide: No

Flight Leads: Dr Nandiran Ratnavel and Dr Lee Collier
Office telephone: 020 3594 0888

Meet the London NTS Team


Base of Operations: Bristol
How to refer: 0300 030 5050
Fixed Wing: No
Rotary Wing: Yes
Incubator: Yes
Humidified CPAP & Highflow: Yes
Nitric Oxide: Yes

Flight Leads: James Tooley (Lead Consultant) and Patrick Turton (Lead Nurse)
Office telephone: 0117 3421748

Meet the SoNAR Team


Base of Operations: Southampton
How to refer: 01865 223344 (and ask for Southampton hub)
Fixed Wing: No
Rotary Wing: Yes
Incubator: Yes
Humidified CPAP & Highflow: Yes
Nitric Oxide: Yes

Flight Leads: Dr Sarah Davidson and Jenny Weddell
Office telephone: 01865 223344

Meet the SONeT Team

美姬社区 (BAPM) is registered in England & Wales under charity number 1199712 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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